Nov 21, 2019
In this episode of Jumpseat Radio host, Ryan Pennington shares some personal experience with Mental Health Support and how it can make a world of difference in your Fire Service Career.
Topics Covered
Why do we struggle.. .
Afraid to ask for help
Signs you should look for
Temper outbreaks
No patience with kids and spouse
No breaks from long stretches
Don’t want to go to work
Know your signs
Why should you ask for help
Because WE care about you
You don’t have to do this alone
Many of us have been through similar situations
It's more than just being tough
if you not “tough” its ok
Where do you start
Find someone you know love and trust
don’t hold it in. talk to someone
Find a counselor. Maybe EAP, But google is where I started
Realize that there is more than just you!
Turn off your phone and detach from social media
find something other than fire
We are our Brothers and sisters keeper..
Get to know your people
Invest in them by knowing them
Ask questions
Spend time off duty
Pay attention
Debrief after bad calls
Debrief after home life events..
Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance
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