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Mar 28, 2014

Jumpseat Radio 011: Rookies Rock 

When a rookie firefighter comes into a fire station the infusion of energy is noticable right away.  Whether it is their excitement or the expeirenced firefighters that take the time to teach then the why's and how's of our fire stations we should use the infusion to keep everyone...

Mar 19, 2014

Jumpseat Radio 010: Fire Station Motivation


When your motivation is lacking it's not the time to start Slackin.....

In this episode the Views from the Jumpseat Crew will be talking about staying motivated.  Listen in as we talk about keeping the focus on the mission and staying positive around the fire station. 


Mar 14, 2014

Jumpseat Radio 009: 3 Levels of Air Management 

In this episode of Jumpseat radio we discuss air management on three levels:


Chief Officer Level

Company Officer Level

Firefighter Level 


Listen in as Ryan talks about tips and remiders to ensure you have the air needed to complete the tasks and come...

Mar 6, 2014

Jumpseat 008: Firefighter Size up


Welcome back,

This weeks podcast will look at the basic principles of #jumpseatready and how we all can keep a constant and consistent size up going throughout our days. Either responding from home or while at the station we should always be ready for our next response.  

In this...

Mar 1, 2014

Recorded Live at escape 2014 in pipestem wv